

Funerals are one of our last ways to extend the care of the Christian community to those we mourn.  

When a death occurs in your family it is important that you notify our priest before you begin to make arrangements for the funeral or memorial service. During this time your priest would like to be with you, offering help in any way they can. Most funeral arrangements will be made in conjunction with the funeral home.  We understand offering funeral services to be an important act of love for our community.  

To schedule a funeral at St Paul’s please contact our priest, using the emergency pastoral care number if appropriate.  

In most cases, the officiant at a funeral or memorial service would be the rector of the parish. If you desire the presence of other clergy, please speak with the rector about your wishes.

To arrange for our priest to lead a funeral or memorial service in another place, please contact them, using the emergency pastoral care number if appropriate.   Funeral and memorial services are important acts of care for the deceased and their family whereever they are held.

Funeral Receptions at St Paul’s

The reception can be an important part of a funeral, as people tell stories and find comfort in the presence of other mourners.  

St Paul’s is happy to provide space, and depending on volunteer availablility, coffee/tea and kitchen support for the reception.  Please arrange for food through either a local group, restuarant, or by purchasing platters from a local grocery store.

If you are holding the funeral or reception at St Paul's, there is a suggested donation for the use of the building.  

Honorariums for leading the service is not expected, but we know that some families want to offer a tangible form of gratitude.