About Us


At St Paul's we are people who have worshipped here for decades and for a few years, we are young and old, weekly and a few times a year worshippers.  

We are an inclusive and diverse Christian community, dedicated to loving others as Christ has loved us. We welcome all who wish to join us.

Becoming a Member

This can look different.
Some people consider themselves members after worshipping with us once or twice.

Some people like to meet with the priest to discuss where they have been and are on their faith journey.

Some people find the formality of ritual of Reaffirmation or Reception appropriate to their faith journey.

Rector & Staff

The Rev'd Robyn King, Rector

Nicohl, Part-Time Admin

Vestry & Wardens

Vestry is the elected group of parishioners who participate in running the church between annual meetings.  At St Paul's our vestry usually meets once a month, September to June.  Members are elected at the Annual Meeting, which is usually held in early February.

Wardens work closely with the rector and the vestry in making leading the parish.


Our finances depend on the faithful giving.  

To financially support St Paul's ministry you can give through Pre-authorized Giving, online via Tithe.ly, or speak with the office about receiving giving envelopes.